Respiratory Influenza and UVC

Respiratory Influenza and UVC

ASHRAE has taken a strong stance in support of continuous UVC. Regarding the reopening of schools, this industry standard organization has published descriptions of available technology, noting the effectiveness of continuous UVC in reducing airborne infection risk...
Public Restroom Review

Public Restroom Review

Fluid dynamics analysis has demonstrated alarming results. Toilets produce aerosols during the flushing process, with 40-60% measured particles rising above the toilet bowel(>100cm) DURING the flushing cycle with continued airborne diffusion in the post flushing...

SARS Coronavirus UV Susceptibility

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus is an emerging respiratory infection that has caused outbreaks in health care settings (Ho et al 2003, HWFB 2003). SARS virus is a new variant of the coronavirus family and transmits through the air and by direct contact....